The Health Office assists a student with health issues, including illness, injury, medications, and medical conditions. The health office staff includes a credentialed school nurse and a health assistant. The health assistant is on site daily from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The school nurse is on site approximately 3 days per week.
While at school, all illness/injuries check out through the Health Office. If the student needs to be seen in the Health Office, he or she will first inform their teacher and/or supervisors and receive a pass to go to the Health Office. If a student is not feeling well, he or she must come to the Health Office and the health assistant or school nurse will notify the parent. If your child needs to go home, a parent and/or guardian will need to come to the Front Office to sign their child out.
All other absences/appointments go through the attendance office. If a student has a doctor’s note excusing them from his or her absence, a copy should be given to the Attendance Office as well as the Health Office.
No medications may be sent to school with a student. All medications on campus (that includes, over-the-counter/non-prescription and prescription) need to be documented and kept in the Health Office. An IUSD Medication Administration Form needs to be filled out by your child’s physician and the parent and/or guardian each year. The form is available in the Health Office and in the forms section below. If your child is requesting to carry his or her medication (for asthma inhaler and Epi-Pen use only), please have the provider, in addition to filling out the request for medication form, initial the section that indicates student can carry the medication. Also, please see the school nurse or health assistant before sending your child to school with the medication.
After an illness or injury that requires your child to be excused from P.E. or necessitates an assistive device such as crutches or a scooter, please have the provider complete the School Participation form following injury or illness, in the Forms section below. If your child has been seen in urgent care or the emergency room, please make sure any assistive device is indicated on the discharge paperwork. Students are not permitted to use assistive devices at school without a note from the provider.
As you may be aware, there was a change in student immunization requirements in 2016. Under a new law known as Senate Bill 277 (SB 277), beginning January 1, 2016 immunization exemptions based on personal beliefs will no longer be available for the vaccines that are currently required for school admission. Personal belief exemptions (PBE) on file with the school district before January 1, 2016 for a student already enrolled in school will remain in effect until the student reaches the next immunization checkpoint at Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten or 7th grade. All other students are required to submit documentation verifying compliance with the State immunization requirements, unless a valid medical exemption is on file with the school district. Please refer to the IUSD website for more information about immunization requirements to attend school by clicking on this district link.
- If they have a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above
- Students have to be fever free without the use of pain relievers (e.g., Tylenol or Ibuprofen) for at least 24 hours
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Student may return to school 24 hours after last episode
- Uncontrollable, infectious cough
- Suspected infection of the eyes (i.e., conjunctivitis), nose, throat (i.e., strep throat), skin (i.e., scabies), or scalp (i.e., lice)
- Any rash of unknown origin
- Student may return to school when rash disappears or when written authorization is received from the health care provider
The Irvine Children’s Health Program provides enrollment assistance for children and adults for MediCal, Covered California plans and more. The Children’s Health Program is a partnership between the City of Irvine and the Coalition of Orange County Community Health Centers. This program helps families and individuals enroll in affordable health coverage and other available assistance programs. To make a free appointment with a Certified Enrollment Counselor or for more information, please call 949-724-6645 or email
Health Guidelines for School Attendance
School Participation Following Injury or Illness
Medication Administration Request
IUSD Health Requirement for School Attendance
Health Insurance Resource - Irvine Children's Health Program